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What are the benefits of using a China Sourcing Agency

2024-07-18T19:32:42+02:00July 18th, 2024|

Thinking about diving into the global market and China's vast market and manufacturing capability? It's a mix of excitement and uncertainty, right? Well, for businesses aiming to streamline their sourcing processes, mitigate risks, and maximize opportunities, a China sourcing agency could be your secret weapon. Now, you might be

Port Congestion: Everything You Should Know for 2024

2024-07-16T18:03:57+02:00July 9th, 2024|

Port congestion has been a significant challenge for global trade, choking supply chains, shipping schedules, and the overall economy. As we move into 2024, understanding the causes, effects, and strategies to navigate port congestion is crucial for businesses to remain resilient and competitive. This article explores the key aspects of

Key Trends in Amazon FBA & the Power of Amazon FBA Reimbursements with Jim Mann from Getida

2024-07-09T17:33:51+02:00July 9th, 2024|

We are excited to bring you this special interview today with none other than Jim Mann, VP of  Europe -Getida- the Global Leader in AMZ FBA Auditing & Reimbursements. Together with our co-founder Sebastian Herz, they discuss some critical topics about Getida, the market, and much more. Let’s dive

Why Optimizing Purchasing Costs Before Selling Your Business is Crucial

2024-07-09T17:00:53+02:00July 9th, 2024|

Selling a business can be a complex and multifaceted process, requiring careful planning and strategic decision-making. One often overlooked but critical aspect of this preparation is the optimization of purchasing costs. Whether you're planning to sell your business in a year, nine months, or even six months, now is

Don’t Leave Money on the Table: Strategies for Retrieving Amazon Reimbursements

2024-05-20T16:25:31+02:00May 20th, 2024|

Guest written by David Schenkler & Better Refunds Amazon, the juggernaut of online retail, evokes different sentiments depending on one's perspective. For consumers, it's a paradise offering convenience, speed, and hassle-free returns. As the cherry on top, Amazon has the best customer service in the world. But for FBA